G-F6HB1LKQWZ Chris Prang | The Medicare Analyst | A Little About Me

Helping you make a wise and confident decision about protecting your income, assets, savings and health with the right Medicare and Retirement insurance solutions.

Chris Prang is The Medicare Analyst™.

Mr. Chris Prang has had an interesting and diverse background. Mostly self-employed in his adult life, he’s been an Automotive Buying Consultant, Real Estate Agent, Mortgage Analyst and even had a cleaning and handyman business when times were tough financially.

For over eleven years now, Chris has provided Medicare and Retirement insurance solutions for thousands of people like you throughout Virginia. When asked how and why he got involved in “selling” insurance he said:

“Prior to the insurance opportunity, I was trying to make ends meet with a cleaning and handyman business. At that time I was desperate for a job to provide for my family. No one would hire me. I was, either way, overqualified or simply didn’t meet the requirements for the jobs I was seeking. I had been in sales and marketing most of my life and really just wanted a regular job with consistent income. I was not interested in pursuing another ‘sales’ job.”

Prang goes on to say:

“It was during this time that we had some friends over for dinner. During our dinner conversation, my friend asked me what I was doing and I told him. He said ‘you know, the company I work for is looking for part-time agents to help out and it’s been a good opportunity for me and my family…you should check it out.’ So I did. I had to quickly jump through some hoops to take advantage of the opportunity. I met with a manager, took an insurance licensing class, took and passed the state of Virginia’s insurance licensing exam, then proceeded to takes lots of certification courses before I could finally go out and ‘sell’ insurance.”

When asked whether or not he had any interest in selling insurance, he said:

“I had no interest at all in selling Medicare and Retirement insurance. But, as it has turned out, it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I truly enjoy what I do because I get to go out and meet people in their homes and help provide them with the answers and solutions they are looking for when it comes to their proper insurance coverage. And I know that the majority of my clients truly appreciate what I do and have done for them. I even had one client ask me if I would still be his agent if he moved to another state. When I told him that I could not, he said: ‘You not being my agent may be a deal breaker for me moving. I don’t want another agent unless I am forced. I may not move if it makes me have to change what I am satisfied with.’”

Now at the age of 59, Chris resides in Charlottesville, Virginia with his wife and one of his three young adult children.

His hobbies include writing, theology, history, economics and personal development, playing guitar and writing songs, doing hands-on work, golfing, hiking and camping.

Perhaps the most unique thing about Mr. Prang is that for years he thought he was adopted and only within the past five years did he confirm that through DNA testing. The positive news from this was that he discovered both his biological father (who had no idea he existed) and his biological mother (who was ecstatic that he found her). And yes, he has considered writing a book about this too.

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